Seltzer, Chadwick, Soefje & Ladik, PLLC Sponsors UNICEF Event

On June 29, 2019, Seltzer, Chadwick, Soefje & Ladik, PLLC proudly sponsored a UNICEF event entitled "Children Uprooted: The Journey to Dallas."
The moderator of this event was Amy Miller, Director of Education of the World Affairs Council Dallas/Fort Worth. Featured panelists include Bill Holman, Executive Director of the Human Rights Initiative of North Texas, Mary Cedillo-Pereira, Director of the City of Dallas Office of Welcoming Communities & immigrants Affairs, Eitan Peled, UNICEF USA Child Migration & Protection Program Manager, and Dr. Hilda Loria. The featured artist is Weeda Hamdan. For more information please follow this link.